Toshiba Uninterruptible Power Supplies: single module G9000 series 100kVA to 2000kVA
The new G9000 series are well suited for data centers (highest efficiency, smallest foot print)
- highest efficiency on the market today - 97% even at very low loads
- smallest foot print (transformerless design: 480in/480out)
- new generation of IGBT's for rectifier and inverter
- lower cost than similar kVA units
- 100kVA to 225kVA @ 0.9pf
- 300kVA, 500kVA, 750kVA, 1000kVA, 1330kVA, 1500kVA, 1660kVA, 2000kVA @ 1.0pf
- can be paralleled to up to 12MVA
- scalability for capacity and redundancy up to l2MVA
- parallel control circuits in each UPS
- static bypass on each UPS
- tie cabinet includes output breaker for each UPS, overall external system maintenance bypass
- 3-year warranty, parts and labor for lower cost of ownership
- matching battery cabinets and/or DC flywheels, bypass cabinets and PDU's